Manufacturing plays a significant role in West Michigan’s economy. Recently, Bill was presented the Joseph M. Magliochetti Award for his leadership and efforts to support manufacturing and job creation. Below are highlights of Bill’s legislative record in support of good-paying manufacturing jobs.
Congressman Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, was awarded the prestigious 2017 Joseph M. Magliochetti Industry Champion Award by The Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association (MEMA) on Thursday, May 18. MEMA, which represents 1,000 manufacturers, presents the award each year to recognize a member of the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate who has worked diligently to strengthen motor vehicle parts manufacturing in the United States.
“The automotive supplier industry is an engine of growth that has created hundreds of thousands good-paying American jobs,” said Huizenga. Without the innovation from automotive suppliers, the legislation enacted to reduce federal spending, spur job creation, and save taxpayer dollars would not have been possible. I am proud to support the hardworking men and women who continue to innovate to make our cars safer and more efficient.”
In their release, MEMA cited the following legislative accomplishments: “In 2016, Huizenga played a leading role in urging Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to veto a bill that would have restricted the use of certain aftermarket replacement parts in vehicle repairs. In 2015, he was the lead sponsor of
H.R. 1613, the Federal Vehicle Repair Cost Savings Act of 2015, which earned bipartisan support and was signed into law by President Obama within 8 months. The law promotes good manufacturing jobs and recognizes the quality, value, and sustainability benefits of remanufactured motor vehicle parts. ”
According to a release, motor vehicle component manufacturers are the largest employer of manufacturing jobs in the United States with a direct and indirect total employment impact of 4.26 million jobs. According to the
Detroit Regional Chamber, Michigan has 1,741 motor vehicle and motor vehicle parts manufacturer establishments in the state, employing 134,161 skilled workers. Overall, Michigan employs 164,795 workers in motor vehicle, motor vehicle body and motor vehicle parts manufacturing, with 63 of the top 100 auto suppliers to North America headquartered in the state.