As we head into the final 14 days of the campaign, I want you to know that I am hitting the pavement, taking to the airwaves, and utilizing the internet to reach West Michigan voters.
Over the next two weeks, I will debate my opponents in Allendale and in Ludington. At these debates, I plan on discussing how I have worked to stop bureaucrats in Washington from putting hardworking West Michigan families out of work, how we can make America safer by supporting our men and women in uniform, and how we must rein in Washington’s out of control spending by applying conservative principles and adopting a balanced budget amendment.
Below are the times and location for each debate. Both debates are open to the public, and I would love for you to come out and show your support!
Allendale Debate
Wednesday, October 26th
Allendale Township Library
6175 Library Lane
Allendale, Michigan
7:00 – 8:00 PM
Ludington Debate
Tuesday, November 1st
Ludington Area Center for Arts
107 S Harrison St
Ludington, Michigan
7:00 – 8:00 PM
In case you missed it, on Friday, I released a campaign ad detailing my effort to stop Washington from putting 500 West Michigan families out of work. If you haven’t seen the ad featuring Muskegon County’s own Structural Concepts, you can watch the ad here.
Thank you for your continued support, and I hope to see you at the debate in Allendale or in Ludington.
– Bill