Congressman Huizenga joined forces with Democrat Janice Hahn of California to force Washington to make good on its promises. For too long, some in Washington have been robbing potential Great…
Today, The Blaze featured Congressman Huizenga’s effort to hold the IRS accountable for targeting Americans because of their political beliefs and West Michigan Families because of their decision to adopt…
With the recent Supreme Court decisions and President Obama’s continued threats to “go it alone” and circumvent Congress, Congressman Huizenga wrote an op-ed discussing the need for Congress to defend…
Just before the 4th of July holiday, Congressman Huizenga wrote an op-ed that was published by the Holland Sentinel discussing the importance of the Great Lakes Economy and the threats…
Americans for Prosperity lauds Bill Huizenga on ‘economic freedom’ scorecard Mlive – February 20, 2013 OTTAWA COUNTY, MI – U.S. Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Zeeland, was one of 19 congressmen to…