#TBT: Ottawa County GOP BBQ

Last week, the Ottawa GOP held their annual Summer BBQ at Hager Park in Georgetown Township. The event featured candidates for Governor, Attorney General, Secretary State, U.S. Senate, U.S. House, state senate, state house, as well as a variety of candidates for local offices across Ottawa County.

Bill was a featured speaker at the event and provided an update on the latest developments on the economy, tax reform, and the importance of the upcoming election in November. One of the issues that is again rising to prominence is the U.S. Supreme Court.

Bill spoke at length about the importance of President Trump nominating judges that will follow the Constitution as written. He also spoke about the importance of having voices in the U.S. Senate that will fight for the values we hold dear here in West Michigan and that is one of the reasons Bill has been a vocal supporter of U.S. Senate Candidate John James.

With President Trump nominating Judge Brett Kavanaugh, it is another opportunity to place another rule of law justice who will uphold the Constitution on the highest court in the land. John James would be a strong voice in support of Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination.

The BBQ itself was well attended and residents from across Ottawa County heard directly from the candidates running for office. At the end of the BBQ it was clear Republicans from every corner of Ottawa County are excited about the upcoming primary on August 7th and looking forward to November!