Recently, the Republican-led Congress marked its first 100 days in office and I can tell you in just 100 days the tone has changed in Washington.
Already the House has passed a budget that balances in less than 10 years, cuts $5.5 trillion in spending, and does NOT raise taxes. Compare that to the President’s “budget” that raises taxes by $2 trillion and still never balances!
The contrast couldn’t be more clear – Republicans in the House are moving the ball and with the Senate now under Republican control, we have a partner in the effort to make serious fiscal changes.
The budget isn’t the only thing republicans have done to move good conservative policy.
Republicans have passed legislation in the House to protect life and prevent taxpayer funding from going to pay for abortions.
The House has acted to prevent the IRS from abusing its power and moved to create a taxpayer bill of rights. Too often, bureaucrats at the IRS and elsewhere in Washington think we work for them. They couldn’t be more wrong, THEY work for US!
Under Republican leadership, the House has also moved to simplify the tax code for farmers and small businesses across Michigan by eliminating the outdated and ridiculous death tax.
There is plenty more work to be done which is why I am asking you to join me in fighting for West Michigan values, families, and job creators.
Please consider donating $25 to help me combat the Obama Administration and the looming Clinton Machine that will say anything to win.
It’s time to put an end to the Washington knows best approach and get Washington working for West Michigan! Join me today!
Thank you for your time and effort,