On the issues.


Too many families across Southwest Michigan are struggling to make ends meet. Whether it’s at the grocery store or the gas station, prices have gone through the roof.

As a small business owner and father of five, Bill understands what job creators and families need: help making everyday life more affordable.

Bill is working to lower the cost of living by ending Washington’s out of control spending that has been fueling inflation.

Additionally, he has supported legislation to unleash American energy which will reduce prices at the pump, lower utility bills, and make it less expansive to heat or cool your home.

Bill’s top priority in Congress is to make life more affordable by shifting Washington’s focus away from big-government mandates and inflationary policies to solutions that lower prices, create good-paying jobs, and strengthen economic opportunity here in Southwest Michigan.  

We must enact a Balanced Budget Amendment. A Balanced Budget Amendment would prevent the federal government from spending outside its means. Families across West Michigan have to sit down and balance their budget. The State of Michigan has to pass a balanced budget every year. It’s commonsense that Washington should have to do the same.

The sanctity of life is close to Bill’s heart and dear to his family. Protecting life beginning with conception is a value that cannot be compromised and something that he will continue to fight for. Bill stressed the importance of this for 10 years as the Right to Life representative for his church in Zeeland and continues to fight for the unborn as a Member of Congress. Whether it’s opposing radical late-term abortions, or supporting IVF and the bundles of joy it brings to families, the federal government must do more to support the unborn, mothers, and healthy families.

Agriculture is one of the strongest economic drivers in Michigan. In fact, the impact of food and agriculture on Michigan’s economy is estimated at $101.2 billion and accounts for nearly 1 in 4 jobs. The Fourth District is one of the most agriculturally diverse in Michigan and is a leader in livestock, poultry, pork, fruit, nursery, greenhouse, and floriculture production. Bill has consistently fought for the hard-working farmers in the Fourth District and will continue to support Michigan’s farmers and growers.

As the son of a disabled World War II veteran, ensuring that our veterans are treated with the dignity and respect they have earned is very personal to Bill. Time after time, the federal government has failed to deliver the resources our veterans deserve. Whether it be regarding care, benefits, claims & appeals processes, or economic opportunity, Bill will continue to hold the VA accountable and fight for important reforms that support our veterans.

Recently, Bill introduced bipartisan legislation to improve mental health resources for veterans. This legislation would enhance suicide prevention training for community care providers. Expanding the use of this evidence-based training will improve outcomes, better support Southwest Michigan veterans, and save lives. 

Michigan residents have long understood the importance of the Great Lakes, but if you get outside of the region, some folks don’t quite grasp how these picturesque settings, beautiful beaches, and pristine sunsets, play a vital role in our economy.

As Co-Chair of the House Great Lakes Task Force, Bill has worked in a bipartisan way to protect our Great Lakes for future generations while strengthening both the ecology and the economy of these incredible resources.

As the father of five children, Bill believes parents know their kids the best. For too long, officials at the federal, state, and local levels have moved to shut parents out of their education while directing what our children learn through top-down mandates. He believes decisions about our children’s education should be made by those who truly know them best. Parents must be empowered to ask questions and work with teachers and school officials to achieve the best outcomes for their children.

Defending our Constitution is the foremost responsibility of any Member of Congress. As the size of government grows, the American people are rightly concerned about its interference in our lives. Congress must act as a check and balance to protect the freedoms and liberties that we hold dear.

From a young age, Bill’s parents taught him to be kind, generous, and to value service. Michigan shares these values and is blessed with numerous churches and charitable organizations that serve the most vulnerable in our communities. The federal government can do a better job of helping people escape the poverty trap, and it must. It is time to stop measuring the success of anti-poverty programs by how much money is spent but instead by how many people are helped.

U.S. spending on health care is on the rise and reached nearly $4.5 trillion in 2022, for an average of $13,500 per person. One important step in addressing costs is to ensure price transparency, which is why Bill helped pass the bipartisan Lower Costs, More Transparency Act. Whether it’s allowing fewer junk lawsuits, promoting Health Savings Accounts, or investing in medical innovation, there are multiple ways Bill is fighting to lower costs while maintaining important protections for those with pre-existing conditions. 

Additionally, policies surrounding mental health care must be modernized to meet the growing needs of today’s society. That is why Bill is continuing his bipartisan work to modernize Medicare and expand access to quality mental health resources. 

Energy prices are soaring because of misguided policymaking in Washington. Democrats have chosen a path that is well outside the mainstream of America, and it is raising prices on families, farmers, and small businesses across the Fourth District. To lower prices, we must restore energy independence here in America.  Developing American energy will help keep costs down, creates jobs, and protects us from relying on sometimes hostile foreign nations to meet our energy needs. While developing our resources, we must strike a common sense balance between economic growth and protecting our environment. That is why Bill supports a responsible all-of-the-above approach to increasing American energy supplies that ensure Michigan’s energy demands are met all year round.

Border security is national security. When Bill visited the border earlier this year, it became clear that Congress must ensure the men and women tasked with securing our border have the resources and manpower necessary to properly do so.  The number of individuals illegally crossing the border combined with the sheer volume of deadly and dangerous drugs like fentanyl pouring across the border demonstrate our border is not secure.